I have been following the nuclear talks with Iran for a long time. Being a cold war kid I grew up in the shadow of Vietnam and i don't believe there was ever a day during the 70's when it wasn't mentioned on the news or in some discussion through out the day. The men and women who fought in that war and Korea will always have my respect as well as the two great wars. with that said I have a very unpopular position when it comes to Iran and a nuclear program.
at the end of the 70's when Americans were taken hostage in Iran I was only around 10 and thought we were on the verge of nuclear holocaust. I remember the tv stations played a min-series called either the day or morning after. it scared the hell out of a lot people who didn't understand all of the propaganda that went along with it all. I know you want to know my opinion but hold on.
While I was at the University of AZ I took a class on Iran and left it realizing that like our own country they have their propaganda machine that does not necessarily represent the will of the people. I was actually quite taken by the class and would like to visit their sometime. With that all said I feel that we have no right to hinder another countries scientific growth. Our nuclear program was born out desperation in wanting to win in the pacific theater of WW2. Do I think that Truman should have dropped the bomb. Hell no. But I wasn't around at that time but we get to see the effects from the radiation.
Iran is a sovereign nation and have every right to have their own nuclear program. This idea that we are the worlds police force is bullshit. I used to believe that since we were the real last superpower, save for China, we had a responsibility to police. Now I like to think I am bit smarter and grayer I see that we still have our own problems to worry about. Not to worry about Israel, Iran. Shit let them blow each other up. I don't come to that thought lightly. I have friends who live in Israel and are part of their armed forces. the last thing I want is to see them hurt. Yet, I don't see it as my fight. I know we hold ourselves responsible fro Israel, pretty much because we made them.
Our history of being the only country to use an atomic weapon does not rank us as knowledgeable but as guilty of two of the worst destructions ever. I think we should still research and use Atomic power until we can get the world on board for cleaner sources of energy. but given coal based versus Nuclear. I would opt fro nuclear. I mean how else are we gonna get the toxic avenger.