I have become to cynical to much of a curmudgeon for being so young but I have to say what I feel if I don't then I get all of this pent up aggression and I want to beat up something to stupid to be...well you know. Anywhoo, Getting old sucks you have all these new pains and aches and then you go to the doctor and they say here's some pills take these and come back if you don't feel better. All the side effects that they have cause anything from dementia to loss of peepee power or for God's sake lack of total libido. and they want you take these so you'll feel happy. You know what I don't feel happy, FUCK YOU!!! You know what makes happy not being in fucking pain and feeling comfortable. You want to keep me alive and a working part of society then fill my needs then I'll fill yours. It's is a dog eat dog world out there and if you scratch my back I'll scratch yours. But then you get some hotshot pencil dick who thinks he is God's gift to medicine and they tell you I know what is best for you. FUCK THAT, I know what is best for me I've survived more shit than your mother made giving birth to you dim witted psycho babbling pissant.
Now, I feel a little bit better. Kind of like Joe Pesci as Nicky in Casino you know what I mean. You got to get it out or it burns a fucking hole in your stomach and you don't need that shit.
Gawd where do I go from there. Shit. I know, I found out that my Mom is still Kicking. I kind of expected that from her she is tough old sourdough and you can't shake her. So I guess I should be planning my way back east some time to see her and my family. Don't worry I promise to be civil. Except for maybe a couple of people, who shall remain nameless. Nah I'm Fucking witchya. You did me a solid and I appreciate more than you know.
You know as I gets older I am starting to think maybe I ain't so dumb, I know alot of people would disagree with that statement but hey screw' em I don't need them any how nor do they need me. It's all good in the try to find some balance between the good and the bad the light and the dark. Shit I've been in the dark for so long there's gotta be a fucking light at the end of the tunnel. I am one of those the cup is half full kind of guys but some times the the cup ain't full of water if you catch my drift so you learn to to take the bad with the good and not freak out over it to much. ah hell tomorrow's just another day. I've got more scars than I do old girlfriends, I've liked my wounds and I've paid my dues all I ask is that you respect that. it's a two way street I respect you and you respect me and we part our ways agreeably. I think we tend to forget that in life that we need to show each other kindness and compassion, I know I do so I look to those like the Dali Lama or Thich nat Chan hell even Jesus or Mohammed for that matter and sometimes Shiva comes along to destroy it all so I can work on rebuilding it. it's not who you believe in but that you believe in something I get that and I do. believe in myself and the tao. Ok my side hurts like hell so does my shoulder I've got no place to stay tonight and it's raining outside. Whupdodedoo, thank you Universe for giving me this. I now some how I will survive...I always do.
Peace out my friends and don't let the man get you down and always question authority!!!!
P.S. API I don't need fucking Zoloft I am a dextro head get it through your fucking head two dissaccoiatives do not make a right. People are going to use drugs they always have and they always will. Marijuana makes me to paranoid so I don't do it Cocaine would make my head pop off. I am not that fucking ignorant and neither are most of the people that you service. And your doing a shit job dealing with Autism. But you did address my pain better than Providence has. Plus the fact that Providence is like some ever growing organism that reaches out like a parasite leeching all of the good stuff out of life. ewww. No Bueno Bad Juju.
Ok that's all I think well maybe I don't know I will probably have something to complain about tomorrow like Lisa Murkowski worrying about renaming Denali instead of doing her real job and doing something good for the state it's like a laughable abbot and costello show with Lil' abner in Don Young as our ever present representative who is so frought with dementia it ain't even funny.
Screw it all I'm off to the races not Nascar I think it's fumes that all the people go for I'd rather watch someone run faster than the other guy or horse.
G'night and keep yer stick on the ice!! Sorry, Red Green.