Wednesday, November 2, 2016

My take on the Dakota protest and other stuff

I am sure that alot of you have heard about the protest going on in North Dakota about the pipeline going through there and how people are responding.  The one great thing about America is the First Amendment:

The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition.  It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices.  It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely.  It also guarantees the right of citizens to assemble peaceably and to petition their government

This is the basis of the country in that we can have Catholics, Jews, Hindus and guess what Muslims get over your selves their allowed here.  And we have the right to Peacefully assemble which is going on right now in North Dakota.  Does that give the authorities the right to pepper spray them, I don't think so But I wasn't there was there a threat to their safety I don't know but as a History teacher, yeah the University of AZ was stupid enough to give me a piece of paper.  I think the native people of the Americas have a natural right to protect their land.

One article said imagine if the tribe wanted to run a pipeline through Arlington Cemetery.  How many people would be up in arms about that well guess what the USA is trying to run it through their sacred lands just like Arlington is sacred to some.  It comes down to point of view.  We as the Majority of Americans think we have this Manifest destiny that we have been taught about in school and only learn the history of the victors that we consider ourselves to be.  Stop and read some real history people were here long before Europeans came get over it go ahead and elect your stupid Donald or Hillary FUCK up the environment some more why not it is written in the Texas approved History books that WE know what is best like Coal and Fracking and other ways to mess it all up.  We need to look at our development as Evolution.  We started with something that was bad, thats a given, move on to something better oh yeah you make money off the old stuff.  Guess what there is nothing there to back up your paper money we have been off the gold standard for decades with a new millenium we need a new way of thinking.  maybe looking at the native ways of knowing and understanding isnt such a bad thing.  Just sayin take it or leave it I don't care, No you know what I do care so quit your bitchin about people who don't believe in your God and have differnet beliefs than you and Make America great again not by industry but by being the Dog faced mutts that we are the dumping grouind for people who want a better life. 

Post note I am an idiot for not knowing the right Dakota in which this is happening