Thursday, September 27, 2012

Devils Advocate

Ok, I feel the need to play the devils advocate on something.  I have been watching and biting my tongue on the middle east and nuclear development.  Here is my take on it.  Netanyahu asked the UN to place a "red line' for when the world will step in to stop nuclear development in Iran.  Why?  As a soverign nation does Iran not have the right to develop and maintain a nuclear program that might well entail nuclear weapons.  We never asked for permission when the Manhattan Project went into full swing and neither did Russia after WWII.  In this day and age where the USA is the sole super power in the world save for China why must we force our beliefs and rules on nations that are emerging as soverign powers. 

The recent uprisings in the areas have led to much debate as to how we as Americans actually view the stereotypical middle easterner.  It is a sad state of affairs that we resort to stereo typing every muslim as a radical and view the Christian world as peaceful.  Think again folks Christianity has been responsible for more death and war than anything.  Although, I wouldn't mind Monty Python's Spanish Inquisition's comfy chair right about now.  How many legends were born out of the crusades, Robin Hood and Etc. 

Now that I have moved to the right from the topic I'll get back.  In "Redemtion Songs" Bob Marley said we should have no fear of atomic energy but now we have evidence that shows that maybe we should be afraid (Fukushima).  We all know that nuclear power and weapons can be extremely dangerous and I would never want to live through a nuclear winter, but to enforce sanctions against a nation that is simply evolving along the same lines that we have, and yes I said evolving.  Evolution is not a theory it is a process in which things change over a period of time, Iran is evolving as a nation and it should be allowed to develop it's own infrastructure.  In the same breath I should also say that I believe that we must have a good defense against such a horrific possibilty, which we already have.   So in the end what does it come down to a David vs. Goliath scenario in which many of the smaller countries are going to side with the former and lead us into something we don't really want to deal with. 

Just my insane ramblings and take on the world these comments are not supported by purina puppy chow or it's associates.


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