Tuesday, October 15, 2013

These isa gonna be a gud one!!!!

I have kidney stones, they hurt alot so I go to the hospital no worries I guess.  Obamacare is in the air are we all aware can you stop and think for something else for moment...  These fucknuts in washington think they have it all worked out they just keep on stalwarting and pissing each other.  Who's got the biggest dick intown get off yer damn shitter and do something for all that you are worth.  Yes we need healthcare, yes we need infrastructure and yes we need a military so use the military for the infrastructure and pass the damn healthcare so I can get real insurance since I am homeless sleeping in a shelter that is going to kick me out in a few days because of overcrowding. STOP thinking bout the other countries and focus on us Screw Syria Screw Iran and Israel Screw them all they want have they're little nuclear kabab have at it.  Let them blow themselves to hell why not.  We need to focus on The country that we have the homeless the needy the children good god don't forget the children Jeesus somebody blow up MTV for showing 16 and pregenant, children are not pets they are little people that you have to raise on your own. and it does take more than one person to raise a child don't think that it doesn't.
As for the weather well guess what remember 30 years ago when scientist said "all this pollution is going cause problems in next thirty years"  It sure as hell is.  I walk every were or bike or ride the bus. Not because I want to I would muc h rather have motorcycle and maybe I will soon enough.  I going to get my teaching certificate back and start teaching again I think I am half way decent teacher in that I can make a student think for themselves rather than fall into the grinder.  I just needed a good kick inthe pants and well Being homeless for over a year our so has sold me sold me on getting my life back together and not worrying about you, you, you and you.  except for you but maybe thoseguys too. FUCK,fuck,FUCKKIITTTY FUCK I have more to say but I have to go to the bathroom.  so I'll end this now .  My ex wife got remarried and did'nt bother to tell me she was doing it  so what the hell, eh Lets just shoot a rocket to neptune and I'll be number one on it....

But I still love you all ;-)

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