Saturday, April 5, 2014

A perspective on planet earth.

I think of the as this...The entire planet is a living breathing organism with many systems to sustain it.  We have tapped into one of the most vital systems that being oil.  If oil were the blood of the earth we have let it bleed out quite enough.  We know ho oil and other natural resources are created and we are quickly running them low.  If the human body runs low of blood what happens?  it dies, well look at what we are doing.  If the earth is a living organism than we are the cells that flourish throughout doing things not unlike viruses/bacteria and helper cells that create good things as well as bad.  Somethings we do improve our planet while others tend to destroy the vital systems that are in place.  And like any body some times certain things fail and die off.

Whether you like or not we are children of this planet and we need to be the stewards of it.  We can look to religion for some sort of understanding but it will tell you the same.  If we don't stop and look around and truly take account of what is going on than we have condemned our children and theirs to  fate far worse than than ours.  Legacy has to be written in our stories and actions as citizens of the world not as festering infections that leave foul tasting and smelling environs for others to clean up.

What I ask of the world is to take responsibility and accountability.  Clean up your own messes don't leave it for others to do.  If we all pull together and just take responsibility for ourselves we can make things a lot better and be more productive.  I know that I have committed many transgressions against our planet and am willing to do my best to create a better planet for my children.

Just some observations that I have come to relate to my own life and world bubble.


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