Monday, June 30, 2014

Rooming with Judas Iscariot

I have a reputation of telling the truth.  People may not like it but if you ask me a question straight on I will always tell you the truth.  Granted it has been a downer for me sometimes especially when it involves the police.  It is no secret that I have spent some time in the slammer for bad decisions on my part (stealing food when I was homeless and had no money).  I paid my debt to society and I have to do it one more time for my fight against Wal-Mart.  That's OK I can deal with it.  But that is not what I am ranting about.

I was invited to stay with a so-called friend Russel Fitzgerald for the summer until school started back up again.  The deal was that I would help by groceries and when I could give him some money for gas.  A good deal.  Little did I know the living hell this guy would put me through.  Right away he gets a puppy from a friend of mine in the valley.  No worries I love puppies and dogs if I didn't I wouldn't have spent two weeks looking for Halley when she disappeared from an accident we had back in 2005.  Little did I know that he was abusive towards animals beating the dog for peeing in the house and kenneling him for 24 hours at a time screaming at him for barking and so on.  His method of training is to put on the local Christian station so his puppy can hear it at night and accept Jesus.  What a freak. 

Anyways back to MY story, don't worry about the dog if you catch my drift.  So last week he brings some tweeker/prostitute to the house and wakes me by shouting that I have to vacate the room because she is going to pay him rent.  He then leaves with her and her boyfriend and comes back stoned out of his mind and they are doing IV drugs and he tells me he doesn't want her there and ask me to help get her out.  The next day I am told that Health and human services are coming to the house to check up on something?  And I have to leave for a while, I am taken to the library dropped off and he answers his phone on speaker and I here this Michelle chick tell him I am the devil and she loves him and coffee is waiting for him at home. Blah, blah.  So he proceeds to kick me out of the trailer and lots of words and facebook things are said and I leave for a couple of days til he calls me and says that I can come back and that he was sorry for all of the problems.

So I go back, knowing full well no to trust the bastard.  So he we are as if nothing happened we go out to a couple of bars things are cool we go see a band the other night.  I get rather inebriated and end up sleeping most of the day because I couldn't get to sleep.  Anyone that knows me knows I have horrible Insomnia and I stay a wake for days and then crash.  Well he bought us some Mac and Cheese the whole wheat kind that really sucks I got us some pizzas and some soda. 
This AM he is pissed off that I ate some mac and cheese I tell him I will gladly replace said Items and he flips out hitting walls and slams the door and leaves.  I go back to sleep, my kidney is bothering me so I am trying to rest with it.  he returns and asks if I want to go to Palmer?  No I tell him my kidney is hurting.  He returns busting through the door, I should mention he would always just open the door with out knocking at times because he said "It's my house."  This time he says that I need to leave and that the State troopers are there.  The trooper comes in to the room and I am getting dressed he asks me some questions, he is one that I know form years past.  I have not always been a bad guy you should know I kind of walk the line between good and bad more on the good side I would hope.
So anyways the trooper does his job runs my background and such and then asks me to leave because he talked to the homeowner, Russ' Mom, BTW Russ lives off of mommies tit.  So, here I am once again homeless nothing new but an interesting study in social lives of a predator. 

I have seen this man bring over 5 different women that he meets on the internet.  Some will stay for a few days and then some are smart enough to realize what he is doing.  As a public notice I have to warn any women about him and the things he does.  No Bueno

So right now I am homeless once again, I would be ever so humbled to crash at some ones place.   I do have money coming in and would gladly pay you once it comes in but til them I can help with groceries and odd jobs around the house.


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