It seems that we are in a whole new mess that no one really wants to touch. I had taught Biology and had my students read "The Hot Zone." So they are very aware of the dangers of Ebola and it's cousins like Marburg and Yellow Fever. One thing though that we never really discussed is the way that Ebola has jumped from the primates to the human race. Many thought the beastiality way and that some sick human had had sex with a monkey or other primate. The truth is that Monkey brains are a delicacy in many jungle lands just like other animals. We in the "civilized" world would rather have our food slaughtered in factories and served to us in fast food and other restaurants. I once saw the first move in the "Faces of Death" series when a friend was joining the fire department and they gave it to him to help desensitize him to some of the things he might see in the field. in it there was a restaurant that served fresh monkey brains. the monkey was served alive and and the consumers bashed in the head with small hammers and ate the brains straight from the skull. Knowing this it easy to see how a pathogen can jump from one species to another.
Mad cow disease has been stalled by stopping the practice of grinding up the slaughtered cows brains back into the cattle feed. We do still use animal parts such as brains for cosmetics and for food. This is nothing new we always used animals for our nourishment for our clothing and other supplies. this is just the way things are there is nothing wrong with it, it just is. Just like an apex predator wouldn't think twice about eating one of us, we are just animals that are a bit more creative in out thinking and uses of the environment.
So while I was teaching my science classes my students once asked me how I thought we would be eradicated. My answer was through the bugs not the insects but the viruses and bacteria that are in environs. We saw the Black Plague take over 25% of the population before and we have moved on to bigger and better protections for ourselves. The advent of immunizations have saved millions if not billions on this Earth. So to me to think that an immunization is a smack in the face ofGod or is Government control over us is ridiculous. If you leave raw meat out it it will get maggots and turn bad that is just how things work.
Ebola scares the shit out of me but the one saving grace in America is that we don't leave the dead to the family to bury we have a handle on how to dispose of bodies and biohazardous materials. What we need is EDUCATION for those who don't understand how the disease passes the same with AIDS we have stemmed AIDS in America yet it still runs wild in other countries because of the education is not there, their governments are the ones failing them. If we as a civilized nation want to see these countries develop into first world countries we need to help them maybe not with violence but education and compassion.
With that said, I realize that Isis or Isil or whatever it is calling itself is just another terror organization of shoot of a militant religion. you can sit back and say that all Muslims are bad, but you know what that is stupid and racist and wrong. In America we have the Westboro Baptist church and other crazy christian "Soldiers" who execute doctors for performing abortions. Human trafficking is alive and well in America as is slavery we just don't really pay attention to it. Once in a while we do and we are outraged until the next news cycle brings up some kid that fell into a well some where. Is it wrong, yes but the news will spin everything one way or the other and polarize the nation.
As for our position in the middle east I think we should be out of there. we really have no interest there save for oil. so if we are going to be there at least be honest about it and claim the three G's God, Glory and Gold. That fucked up enough countries in the past, we are still doing the same thing just not saying it anymore. At least be honest. Yes it is horrible to see beheadings and to see people die. but you know what it happens. We have become the world's police and that is not our job. We need to be a nation that worries about ourselves for once we kind of fixed the economy now lets not stop short lets make the USA great again by rebuilding our infrastructure and restart our commitment to science and the arts.
Last but no least, my opinion on the Washington Redskins. What a stupid name it should be changed and it is racist, but We live in the USA and it is a First Amendment issue. The constitution allows us the freedom to say and do stupid things that other will disagree with and that is the beauty of America. Just the fact that we can make fun of the president makes it ok for a sports team to have a racist name. just like artists can say things in songs and paintings and books that are there for public consumption. I actually think it is unfortunate that we censor so much on TV and in the media. it is unfortunate that we hold a double edged sword when it comes to our freedoms.
By the way HI NSA monitors and any other who might be watching I love you but stop watching me and protect the white house don't you know some guy got in there the other day. What the fuck??
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