Sunday, January 4, 2015

New year, new attitude.

I was hit with a lot of stuff this week I found out that my ex-wife has had a daughter with her new husband and my boys now have a sister and I am pretty much out of their lives except for times when I get to see them.  I guess I have to accept that and acceptance can be really hard but this to shall pass.  I am have moved on and now I am ready to enjoy my new life I can feel a roller coaster ride coming on and I think it will be a good one.

I do have to rant on one thing that I found out.  I just read in a magazine that their are plans to drill to the center of the earth over in Europe.  A large part of me says that this is a bad idea.  Not just to the loss of life but what it might ultimately do to our planet.  I like to think of the planet as a living organism and drilling straight to the heart of it is really bad juju.  It's just my two cents take it or leave it.

I got Connor a video camera that is kind of like a GoPro so he can record stuff and hope fully he will.  It was weird My ex dropped off Ethan and took Connor away in the car so I visited with Ethan and he is doing really well and going to be wrestling soon.  I am so proud of them both.  I guess they got grounded for some reason and had their doors taken away from their rooms which I thought was kind of harsh.  But he wouldn't tell me they they got grounded?  I worry about them but they seem ok Ethan was pretty emotional just seeing me and kind of cried and said that he missed me and Connor  said he missed me and gave me a hug through the window as they drove off.  I really don't know what to think my head is spinning with all kinds of thoughts but I have to be faithful that things will shake out in the end.

To all of you out there Never mind the bullocks and Up The Irons Hail to the new year, eh?  and keep your stick on the ice.


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