Friday, July 13, 2012


Happy Thursday!

I had a strange day today got up kind of early, had trouble sleeping.  I have to many thoughts going on in my head all at once, it must be my ADHD kickin' in.  I have a tendency to put on this persona of the happy go lucky guy that nothing seems to chink his armour.  But like the Billy Joel song " The Stranger," I can wear a different mask for people without showing my true feelings.  I know that it might sound deceptive and it probably is but in the end I have to stay true to myself and know myself through and through and how I will survive it.

So anywho, I got up read the paper on Mom's kindle, she loves that thing, but present I ever gave her I think.  Did some 'puter stuff, emails and FB and so on,  Cleaned the bathroom, always a joy.  One of the best jobs that I ever had was as a janitor at St. Odilia's parish in Tucson.  I was free to do my own thing and take my time.  The work was monotonous at times but enjoyable.  I worked with good people made some incredible friends that I hold dear to my heart today.  I had a great friend and mentor in the pastor of the church Fr. Bardon.  I consider myself a recovering Catholic having gone to Catholic school as a kid and being around some rather unlikable priests in my teens, if you catch my drift.  Nothing truly bad ever happened to me but to some of my friends and some other types of things were quite personal.  But Fr. Bardon was different he was very open about his celibacy and his human nature to have to serve the human needs in the end.  But what I really loved about him was the fact that we could sit down and chat about religions and their bases.  We discussed Joseph Campbell and Alan Watts, he was never judgmental and very progressive as a Catholic priest.  He was opened to women priests, gays and lesbians allowed in the church and even close to a woman's right to choose when it came to her body.  Not that he condoned abortion but he was sympathetic and understanding about it.  Unfortunately, he is no longer with us but I still think of him often and fondly.

Back to my day, I was fighting a good headache so I laid down for a bit in the dark room and listened to some Springsteen.  Later on I had Mom watch a special webcast from the White House with me about the President's refinancing plan and how it might help us in lowering payments since we have federal loan on it.  The webcast was interesting in that the Secretary of Housing was rather specific when it came to banks such as Wells Fargo, with whom I have no loveloss for.   And how they will trick people in to paying up front for refinancing to a different type of loan and in the end they still screw over the house owner because the note is still held by them with a new loan and all of the fees that you had to pay upfront are sold into the loan and in the long run you end up paying more.  Caveat Emptor, I guess.  So we watched that and it was pretty cool to see how the White House is doing these web hangouts, where you can pose questions to the experts online.

It was getting close to dinner so, I made us my now famous, at least between the 2 of us, baked chicken and rice.  Then made some peanut butter cookies for dessert.  Then took my daily constitutional to the store for some needed things and picked up some trash on the way.  Now I am back home mom is slowly snoozing away in her recliner and I am watching "Supernatural."  I love that show and the books are pretty good as well.  I was think of doing my own online show and call it "Stupidnatural"  where the brothers go around hunting for stupids.  "Are you a stupid?  Out of the gene pool you!!!" Maybe someday.  I gotta work on a new song with a new direction so we will see how that goes.  So stay sane folks and as Red Green says, "Keep you stick on the ice."

Peace, love and understaning,


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