Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Jesus is Pissed.

I went into town last week to sell some comics and I totatlly jipped by the store that bought them.  It was my own damn fault because I don't like to haggle and I screwed.  Fuck you Bosco's but well played I must say.  while walking by the bus transit center I saw a guy with a sign that said "Jesus is pissed" and I said to my friend he knows what he is talking about.   Then we spent the money on food and got back in to palmer.  then fastforward to Mom leaving and being sent out to the airport in limousine, The local cab only costs 75 bucks to run into anchorage so you save the limo for real sakes Mom's an old sourdough, but I hope she enjoyed her self. 

I am pissed right now because my so called"spraind" finger is FUCKING Broken.  I am going to Sue the shit out of Mat-su Regional Hospital.  and my fucking toes hurt so there I need to calm down and relax a bit right now becuase right now I am seeing RED.

I know today is the primaries but you know what whatever candidate you  put in We have to remember that this is a government by the people and for the people. 

My finger hurts.


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