Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Meine Familie sind nüsse

Ok, My family is far from functional in the most strangest of ways.  For some reason on my Mom's side there is this need for litigation.  It must be the German/Irish in them feeling that they deserve something that in real honesty they don't.  My cousin's fought over their inheritance from their parent's and left a rift almost deeper than the Grand Canyon.  I can understand that in a large family there is going to be in fighting.  My dad's family had 3 brothers that didn't always see eye to eye but instead of dragging the courts into it they worked it out themselves.  My Mom sued her brother along with her sister for their inheritance, I hate to say it but her other brother was probably lucky to have died and be spared most of it. 

I have only ever sued one company and that was a satellite dealer in TUS who sold me a bum dish for AK and he wouldn't take it back and I ended up spending more just to get the stupid satellite to work.  I am the type of person that likes to be eye to eye with a person.  If you have something to say, say it to me and let's take care of it, If I screwed up and said something out of turn bring it to me and we will work it out.  Honesty has and always will be my best policy.  If you ask me a question directly I will give you the God's honest truth even if it screws me over or you.  It is one thing that I learned from my dad, I am thankful for that.

So, today I had to go to court against my own Mom.  She had taken out a restraining order that was rather full of falicies.  I honoured it until we could make the court day.  She wanted to expand it to indefinetly.  Now as most of you know I have been taking care of her for a while now.  She can be rather combative if she thinks she is right and you are wrong.  ei, ei, ei, ei!!!  My cousin(The one I had to block for going around my back) out in Philly wanted Mom to move out there a while back when she and her husband were struggling to keep their house because they are on disability and on way to many prescription drugs if you were to ask me.  Mom told them "No" and that she would stay up here.  But now things have changed dramatically with what Mom wants to do and even how she wants to be buried(Coercion if you ask me).  I have General Power of Attorney and medical power as well.  I hate to have had to us it but I did today. 

Mom spoke her peace and then I countered and ultimately the judge sided with me.  The People that want to buy her house are hanging around quite a lot like they already own the place and it was my understanding that they were living there already.  I have only met them once and she has spoken to them via phone and in person a few times over the past months.  Not that they are bad people but I don't know them from Adam.  So right now I can go to the house with her permission (even though I have the Power of Attorney) and get my stuff and hopefully get a shower. 

If I have learned anything from this whole performance it is that Drama sucks,  I feel like I am in a Goddamned soap opera.  I hope that Mom and I can sit down and have a civil conversation.  I think I might give her a few days to settle down and see how she is on Friday .

Other than that what should I rant about...The folks that I am hanging with right now have their own problems as well.  I think if you don't have some problems and fight as a family to a certain point it is not a healthy situation.  My ex and I had some Knock down drag outs where she would scream at the top of her lungs and then she got physical which was to much for me.  I guess we as humans just need a better way to communicate our anger to others around us subtlety is good but some people need to be told straight to their faces "you are being an asshole, stop it"  I am probably one of them.  I think that is why I use comedy so much as a defense mechanism and it seems to work.  I feel for those who have no sense of humour. 

OK that's enough, except for this I saw on CNN that the GOP are whinnig little babies in this campaign.  I would tend to agree with that.  Obama is playing "Chicago-politics"  where do you think he is from????  I wish that HST had hung around for a little bit longer to see the Dems back in control.  The game is afoot and the arena are the campaigns.  Who are the gladiator's and who are the weak little one's coming to the slaughter.  It is just heating up there is a lot more to come.

Peace out,


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