Thursday, January 26, 2017

Ok here we go...

I feel I may need yo explain myself to my friends and colleagues in the great fight against the machine.

This is how I feel about the wall that the Donald wants to build:  There were some great walls in history the great wall of China, the walls of Jericho from the bible, the wall that divided east and west Berlin.  Now the Marshall plan was set out to help rebuild Europe after World War 2.

I apologize if my spelling is off or crazy my back was manipuplated by a physical therpist yesterday and now I have have shooting pains through my arms into my hands and legs and the CORE Insti4ute wont see me until Feb 2 so I am fucked up til them I guess.

Back to the Walls.  These walls were put up up to keep people out thus causing the feeling of you are our enemy and we want nothing to do with you.  This feeling increased over time and in the case of the Berlin wall it peaked in the cold awr during the 80's with Ronald Reagan and Gorbachevs reactions to each others foreign policies.  Now a wall to keep out Mexicans will only tell Mexico we do care about you and we think that you are our enemy.  we are not building a wall against Canada which have people crossing the borders alla of the time to get beer or prescription drugs and working in the US just like the Southern Border.  and I am sure that their are illegals that cross that border every day but we dont hear about it.

I understand the want for Isolationism in America to take care of our own and focus on our country rather than the rest of the world.  But we have aalready made a precedent that we are the worllds Police force and now things are running amok out in the boonies so what are we going to do]-.close up up and create out own Escape from New York type of scenarioas or be welcoming to our neighbors and be a freiendly nation that wants to trade and be great and move forward!!!

Sorry I have to stop now my fingers are freakeing the fuck out and jumping on there own to weird I gotta get some relief or this is going to kill me...Rhetorically of course that iss

Much loove to you all and I wiqll keedp up my daily things about trump simply because so many people did it to me when Obama took office.  Soory if you dont like and are thin skinned but suck it up buttercup this is the new world order!!

Gortdy peace our!!

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