Friday, January 27, 2017

The times they are a changin' mark 2.0

The times they are a changing
this we all know and see
the pipelines are a leaking
and no one wants to clean it up
I guess that we're just fucked
we build a wall to hide our
fears and forget the other side
I guess you can't choose your
neighbors, but that's ok we'll
call the cops we don't like them
any way.

And what about that medicine
that you need to keep alive
we'll just go and charge alot
it's noit really a crime
Thomas Payne wrote a thing
but that's ok we don't need it
we got diamonds and we're rich
fuck the other guy that always
been our creed we don't give a
flying fuck about anything
the Apache or the Cree.

Well Donald Trump will steal your
gold it's just business any way
I never had a better friend help
me out in such a way
Jesus taught things in parables
any way It's all for interpretation
this way or that a way...
Our religions better than yours
because we don't have to pay
but in this climate it doesn't matter
any way we'll register you as christian
or a Jew, a Muslim or a Buddhist we don't
care in this store just give us all your
money before you walk out the door
thank you for you time it really was the best...

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