Saturday, October 18, 2014

A modern Day Protest Song

They say that Billy the Kid shot a man for snoring to loud
to the fright and joy of the crowd some did like him
some did hate him cause you never knew what he did
Now modern days are making waves for stranger ways
to figure how to keep a man down
Libraries likes to keep it quiet
it's to bad if your on a diet
and the hunger pangs are louder than crying out insane
But whatever you do if you fall asleep, DON'T SNORE!

Don't Snore
Even though you can't control it
Your the one who own's it
Don't Snore
Others may sleep but if you make a peep there's the door.

Now it may because you overweight
or maybe your septum ain't just straight
It don't matter any way or any how
See that man silently sleeping
He's causing somebody, no griefing
But your Snoring's like a nail into my head!!!

Don't Snore
Even though you can't control it
Your the one who own's it
Don't Snore
Others may sleep but if you make a peep there's the door.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Ebola, Isis and the Redskins

It seems that we are in a whole new mess that no one really wants to touch.  I had taught Biology and had my students read "The Hot Zone."  So they are very aware of the dangers of Ebola and it's cousins like Marburg and Yellow Fever.  One thing though that we never really discussed is the way that Ebola has jumped from the primates to the human race.  Many thought the beastiality way and that some sick human had had sex with a monkey or other primate.  The truth is that Monkey brains are a delicacy in many jungle lands just like other animals.  We in the "civilized" world would rather have our food slaughtered in factories and served to us in fast food and other restaurants.  I once saw the first move in the "Faces of Death" series when a friend was joining the fire department and they gave it to him to help desensitize him to some of the things he might see in the field.  in it there was a restaurant that served fresh monkey brains.  the monkey was served alive and and the consumers bashed in the head with small hammers and ate the brains straight from the skull.  Knowing this it easy to see how a pathogen can jump from one species to another.

Mad cow disease has been stalled by stopping the practice of grinding up the slaughtered cows brains back into the cattle feed.  We do still use animal parts such as brains for cosmetics and for food.  This is nothing new we always used animals for our nourishment for our clothing and other supplies.  this is just the way things are there is nothing wrong with it, it just is.  Just like an apex predator wouldn't think twice about eating one of us, we are just animals that are a bit more creative in out thinking and uses of the environment.

So while I was teaching my science classes my students once asked me how I thought we would be eradicated.  My answer was through the bugs not the insects but the viruses and bacteria that are in environs.  We saw the Black Plague take over 25% of the population before and we have moved on to bigger and better protections for ourselves.  The advent of immunizations have saved millions if not billions on this Earth.  So to me to think that an immunization is a smack in the face ofGod or is Government control over us is ridiculous.  If you leave raw meat out it it will get maggots and turn bad that is just how things work.

Ebola scares the shit out of me but the one saving grace in America is that we don't leave the dead to the family to bury we have a handle on how to dispose of bodies and biohazardous materials.  What we need is EDUCATION for those who don't understand how the disease passes the same with AIDS we have stemmed AIDS in America yet it still runs wild in other countries because of the education is not there, their governments are the ones failing them.  If we as a civilized nation want to see these countries develop into first world countries we need to help them maybe not with violence but education and compassion.

With that said, I realize that Isis or Isil or whatever it is calling itself is just another terror organization of shoot of a militant religion.  you can sit back and say that all Muslims are bad, but you know what that is stupid and racist and wrong.  In America we have the Westboro Baptist church and other crazy christian "Soldiers" who execute doctors for performing abortions.  Human trafficking is alive and well in America as is slavery we just don't really pay attention to it.  Once in a while we do and we are outraged until the next news cycle brings up some kid that fell into a well some where.  Is it wrong, yes but the news will spin everything one way or the other and polarize the nation.

As for our position in the middle east I think we should be out of there.  we really have no interest there save for oil. so if we are going to be there at least be honest about it and claim the three G's God, Glory and Gold.  That fucked up enough countries in the past, we are still doing the same thing just not saying it anymore.  At least be honest.  Yes it is horrible to see beheadings and to see people die.  but you know what it happens.  We have become the world's police and that is not our job.  We need to be a nation that worries about ourselves for once we kind of fixed the economy now lets not stop short lets make the USA great again by rebuilding our infrastructure and restart our commitment to science and the arts.

Last but no least, my opinion on the Washington Redskins.  What a stupid name it should be changed and it is racist, but We live in the USA and it is a First Amendment issue.  The constitution allows us the freedom to say and do stupid things that other will disagree with and that is the beauty of America.  Just the fact that we can make fun of the president makes it ok for a sports team to have a racist name.  just like artists can say things in songs and paintings and books that are there for public consumption.  I actually think it is unfortunate that we censor so much on TV and in the media.  it is unfortunate that we hold a double edged sword when it comes to our freedoms.

By the way HI NSA monitors and any other who might be watching I love you but stop watching me and protect the white house don't you know some guy got in there the other day.  What the fuck??

Friday, September 26, 2014

Here we go

Did you ever stop and wonder why the world's the way it is
No common denominator just rugged alligators if god had a plan than I'd see it in my hand when i look and see the only thing I patterns that be there for you and me love each other with no hate show compassion where we congregate there's no time we've passed the line and now we gotta listen to our mother before we get hurt.

Star burst in the sky
I wonder why
Starburst in the sky
May be it's time for a change
May be it's time to rearrange

I dropped my receiver now I'm feelin' like Ward Clever take a look a around and see shootings while watching batman and battles in Afghanistan This worlds gone to crazy I guess that what happens when your lazy is it time to rise above status quo and give them something more of a show.

Star burst in the sky
I wonder why
Starburst in the sky
May be it's time for a change
May be it's time to rearrange

It's automatic not to dramatic when your helping someone else compassion can flow like a river that we know come in up on the slow and follow the flow sometimes you gotta drop what ya know to let them see the flow it's the consequence of the things you meant but in the end you gotta pay the rent child.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

WAR!!! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing, say it again...WAR!!

So we gave peace a little bit of a chance but no we have to back and fight in a nation that has absolutely nothing to do with us.  I understand that every president wants a war so that they lead the people to a robust type defense based economy.  But the hard and fast truth is that we are hated by pretty much the whole world.  We stick our noses into other countries businesses as the world cops.  Now is this a bad thing?  We are one of the super powers.  But Thomas Jefferson wanted us to be more isolated and agrarian I think we have lost that model to something more perverse in this whole flattening of the world crap.

I was for it as a kid.  it seemed like a good Idea to help out suffering countries but look what it has done to our nation itself we produce almost nothing all we have are big box stores that people flock to because it is cheaper and comes from china.  They work for slave wages while we rest on our laurels and raise the minimum wage to over $10.00 in some states.  the only thing that does is inflate a dollar that is already worth next to nothing.  Pretty soon we are going to have the same problem that they did in Mexico in the 80's and 90's  inflation will grow so much that you will be paying over $40.00 for a watermelon and then we have to at some point devalue the dollar.

The solution I know you don't like it but we have to start paying off our debt raising taxes but for a better economy.  Yes the rich should pay more than the poor thats just right.  you have the money they don't that will help to stabilize the economy and start bring the debt down a bit take the jobs back from overseas and put people to work for a good wage that will see them into a stable home environ.

We don't need to go to war.  if we just stopped and looked at ourselves our enemies eyes we might see a different perspective on life and it's fragility.

That brings me to Ebola.  Ebola is scary if you have read the books about it you know that it is the perfect virus.  It kills indiscriminately which in itself to a biologist like me is kind of beautiful in a way.  I know that sounds creepy but think about it a virus that does not see race, color, blood type, genetics, etc.  only a handful of people have survived it and it due to their blood that we have that concoction at the CDC that they gave the first American that came back from it.  I can understand Donald Trumps freak out, But we are different in culture than the Africans when it comes to burials and I don't think the news is doing a good job of explaining that.

In Africa the family takes care of the body and prepares it for burial that is why the virus is so deadly it jumps from the blood of the dead to the living.  Bad juju.  So yes it will be better quarantined here in America because we have better facilities.  Although, the human factor is always a factor.  Nuff said.

Thanks for reading my little rants every now and then I see that we have over 1400 reads so that makes me kind of happy I hope that together we can get through this coming winter I think it is going to be interesting to say the least.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Rooming with Judas Iscariot

I have a reputation of telling the truth.  People may not like it but if you ask me a question straight on I will always tell you the truth.  Granted it has been a downer for me sometimes especially when it involves the police.  It is no secret that I have spent some time in the slammer for bad decisions on my part (stealing food when I was homeless and had no money).  I paid my debt to society and I have to do it one more time for my fight against Wal-Mart.  That's OK I can deal with it.  But that is not what I am ranting about.

I was invited to stay with a so-called friend Russel Fitzgerald for the summer until school started back up again.  The deal was that I would help by groceries and when I could give him some money for gas.  A good deal.  Little did I know the living hell this guy would put me through.  Right away he gets a puppy from a friend of mine in the valley.  No worries I love puppies and dogs if I didn't I wouldn't have spent two weeks looking for Halley when she disappeared from an accident we had back in 2005.  Little did I know that he was abusive towards animals beating the dog for peeing in the house and kenneling him for 24 hours at a time screaming at him for barking and so on.  His method of training is to put on the local Christian station so his puppy can hear it at night and accept Jesus.  What a freak. 

Anyways back to MY story, don't worry about the dog if you catch my drift.  So last week he brings some tweeker/prostitute to the house and wakes me by shouting that I have to vacate the room because she is going to pay him rent.  He then leaves with her and her boyfriend and comes back stoned out of his mind and they are doing IV drugs and he tells me he doesn't want her there and ask me to help get her out.  The next day I am told that Health and human services are coming to the house to check up on something?  And I have to leave for a while, I am taken to the library dropped off and he answers his phone on speaker and I here this Michelle chick tell him I am the devil and she loves him and coffee is waiting for him at home. Blah, blah.  So he proceeds to kick me out of the trailer and lots of words and facebook things are said and I leave for a couple of days til he calls me and says that I can come back and that he was sorry for all of the problems.

So I go back, knowing full well no to trust the bastard.  So he we are as if nothing happened we go out to a couple of bars things are cool we go see a band the other night.  I get rather inebriated and end up sleeping most of the day because I couldn't get to sleep.  Anyone that knows me knows I have horrible Insomnia and I stay a wake for days and then crash.  Well he bought us some Mac and Cheese the whole wheat kind that really sucks I got us some pizzas and some soda. 
This AM he is pissed off that I ate some mac and cheese I tell him I will gladly replace said Items and he flips out hitting walls and slams the door and leaves.  I go back to sleep, my kidney is bothering me so I am trying to rest with it.  he returns and asks if I want to go to Palmer?  No I tell him my kidney is hurting.  He returns busting through the door, I should mention he would always just open the door with out knocking at times because he said "It's my house."  This time he says that I need to leave and that the State troopers are there.  The trooper comes in to the room and I am getting dressed he asks me some questions, he is one that I know form years past.  I have not always been a bad guy you should know I kind of walk the line between good and bad more on the good side I would hope.
So anyways the trooper does his job runs my background and such and then asks me to leave because he talked to the homeowner, Russ' Mom, BTW Russ lives off of mommies tit.  So, here I am once again homeless nothing new but an interesting study in social lives of a predator. 

I have seen this man bring over 5 different women that he meets on the internet.  Some will stay for a few days and then some are smart enough to realize what he is doing.  As a public notice I have to warn any women about him and the things he does.  No Bueno

So right now I am homeless once again, I would be ever so humbled to crash at some ones place.   I do have money coming in and would gladly pay you once it comes in but til them I can help with groceries and odd jobs around the house.


Friday, May 9, 2014

How to get yourself booted off of campus

So last night I posted a little thing about the Chuitna Citizens Coalition victory party and meeting a good man who is running for Lt gov..  Well within 10-20 minutes of my posting said post I was escorted off of the campus by some very nice university police officers and delivered to the nearby homeless shelter.  It is amazing that a venue of academia would be be so willy nilly and maybe I am over blowing the whole thing although the new structures are blatantly benefactor'd by big oil companies that may lean on a twist for the states premium university...NOT!!!

I am sorry it was this universities "scientists" that took forever to determine that a village had a Red Tide weeks after I posted it and any marine biology student would have known that.  come on.  This university nickels and dimes their students to death over small stupid things $60.00 for an application fee.  Come on if you are that insecure that you need student to pay to have you tell them whether they are good enough to come into your fold.  Give me a break.  Plus the fact that you over charge the student for conveniences $7.00 for a POM drink come on, really!!!

I understand that the school has to pay for its new super stadium that has destroyed many trees as well as other buildings on there footprint.  I voted against the smoke-free campus.  The reason was that, I smoke once in a while and I don't think you have the right to tell me I can't.  The problem is the butts.  they are everywhere.  if you stepped up your game on places where people can dispose of their cigarette butts properly than you would not have such a problem.  Kids are gonna smoke get over it.

Last but not least the dragging on of my application that was finally withdrawn due to some mysterious thingamajig.  Thank you for that I appreciate it I look forward to spending my real money at APU next year.

Schools will be schools but when they are undermined by businesses it is not beneficial to the student it only creates a sense of dread and unknowing.  You create plasticine creatures that go out into the world and make beige subdivisions like Phoenix, AZ.  Take a good look at them they are ready to implode as a city and it makes me sad.  Furnace as I used to call it was a fun city and then it went nuclear and Boom you have what we have today.  I don't think Anchorage will go like PHX but we need to keep our priorities straight we are the Last Frontier we need to respect the nature of it and the people of it.

Enuff  Said.  I am off to bigger and better things that will bide my time and make me happy.

Up the Irons!!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

A perspective on planet earth.

I think of the as this...The entire planet is a living breathing organism with many systems to sustain it.  We have tapped into one of the most vital systems that being oil.  If oil were the blood of the earth we have let it bleed out quite enough.  We know ho oil and other natural resources are created and we are quickly running them low.  If the human body runs low of blood what happens?  it dies, well look at what we are doing.  If the earth is a living organism than we are the cells that flourish throughout doing things not unlike viruses/bacteria and helper cells that create good things as well as bad.  Somethings we do improve our planet while others tend to destroy the vital systems that are in place.  And like any body some times certain things fail and die off.

Whether you like or not we are children of this planet and we need to be the stewards of it.  We can look to religion for some sort of understanding but it will tell you the same.  If we don't stop and look around and truly take account of what is going on than we have condemned our children and theirs to  fate far worse than than ours.  Legacy has to be written in our stories and actions as citizens of the world not as festering infections that leave foul tasting and smelling environs for others to clean up.

What I ask of the world is to take responsibility and accountability.  Clean up your own messes don't leave it for others to do.  If we all pull together and just take responsibility for ourselves we can make things a lot better and be more productive.  I know that I have committed many transgressions against our planet and am willing to do my best to create a better planet for my children.

Just some observations that I have come to relate to my own life and world bubble.


Friday, April 4, 2014

State vs private

I have to rant about this.  I am sick of seeing students going to a state school and being abused not by other students but by the system.  Administrators that make so much money and left in positions of power that they can manipulate the system to create an air of control over students lives.  Tracking sucks it has never worked and will never work.  I understand where the money comes from and you are the paid individuals by your students to provide a service. get off your stupid fucking lofty chairs and do us a service.  create more tutors run better programs hire better teachers just because you have a PhD doesn't mean you know how to teach.  it's bullshit you know and I know it.  So you want to know how to fix the system listen to your students walk in their shoes live their lives for a little bit.  a little bit of understanding goes a long fucking way.

I am out of this school and moving on to a different one to fulfill my life's dream but what I have seen here is pitiful you need to clean up your act and quick you are doing a dis-service to the people who pay your salaries.

Peace out

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Strange things are afoot at the Uaa

I have been going to school here this semester and I have had some difficult medical problems arise as I go through said semester.  while I am to blame for my faults and misdemeanors, I still have a strange feeling that something is amiss. I started out fine with conversations with my advisory but it wasn't until I sent a certain e-mail that everything erupted.  Then I received strange emails from my adviser that supposedly had received before but was sent to a different email address that does not exist.  Leaving me to wonder if the powers that be and I know you are watching every move and turn would stoop to such a level in academia.

I am uncertain as to what will come of this but it is intriguing to say the least.

That's all,

Happy Spring Break.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Pussy Riot in Sochi

I met a lady once that said that she liked music and bands that did not involve politics.  I can see that, we need that part of music but in the end music has always been used one way or another in the political and social arenas.  I think it is the responsibility of the artist to make the decision whether to be political or not and allowing their music to be used for such things.  Now when we have bands like Pussy Riot which are primarily for political gain we still need to look to them for representation of part of the community and state.

I just saw that the band was beaten up by Russian police while they were filming a video outside of the Olympics.  Vladimir Putin had said that the Olympics should seperate sport from politics but they go hand in hand as does the music.  I realize that it is a different country and culture from ours but still we need to be aware of human rights when these actions are taking place.  Does the band push the envelope to getting into these problems, yes they do but we need people like this to force change in giant political machines that tend to crush the individual.

What I say is don't stop, fight the power and always question authority!!!  I stand with you !!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Education in the hands of politicians

I have been known to have some rather unpopular beliefs although I tend to believe that more people will agree with me then want to add their name to the list.  Which is fine I understand the climate of the world we live,  So here is my rant on the state of education in our state, Alaska if you didn't already know that.

We live in the last frontier, it still has an old west kind of vibe that is slowly moving towards modernism, yet it sees to be kicking and screaming along the way.  Which is how it should be.  I would hate to be in a state that just let things happen and be bowled over by the robber barons of our day.  So now we come to a particular subject that is close to my heart.  Education.

Our governor, for lack of a better word, Sean Parnell whom I believe to be in deep pockets with the big oil companies, which is nothing new and don't blame him for his short sightedness in that aspect they have an impressive lobby and lots of money.  No big secret their.  But in the mot wealthiest state of the union there is no need to be cutting education budget for the largest districts in the state.  And then to corner the market into a debate on vouchers and forcing through a bible belt agenda.

I am a strong advocate for seperation of church and state.  I think that there should bee no involvement of religious beliefs in an institution that is supposed to represent all of those beliefs.  Is it alright to keep "God" in the pledge of allegiance, yes that is fine albeit a fine line but I accept that.  I teach evolution as a theory for human development on this planet, I also show creationism, and alien seeding as other theories for how life developed.  Why, it is simple we don't have a 100% understanding of how it all came together.  What I do know is that our forefathers had the good sense to create a system that is allowed to breathe and not be confined to it's own borders.

If we don't have a place that is publicly funded that represents all beliefs then we have factions that will cause greater dis-stability.  Vouchers for parents who want to send their children to private institutions will on exacerbate the instability leading t widespread distrust and unease.  Religious bodies already enjoy tax free operation within our country, we will have public school turning into bastions of religious beliefs just to get the benefits from the state.  Bad juju if you ask me.  What I see it all coming don to is a christian based movement to disrupt the educational system in this nation.  Which is unfortunate,  we don't see such an outright outpouring from other religions but it has something to do with christian belief organizations.  To have a church-state will lead us backwards into something that Europe dealt with ages ago.

Can't we as one of the last free thinking nations break free from this debate and fund our schools as they should where we favour the bright over the brawn.  But until we have a "Superbowl" for the minds over the pigskin I fear we never will.  Sorry to be a downer but it is the truth of the matter.

Now feel free to throw as much rotten fruit as you can find my way, I am after all a starving college student and I an eat around the rotten bits