Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The trials of life.

Had a little run in with the law and went back to set my camp up and Police came asked if Iwas taking my tent down and I said no I am putting up they said ok and left.  And earlier my C-pap machine came backto me from some nice folks who found it in the forest after some un mentionables had ransacked my gear.  So there I was settling down to work at getting my tent torn down after I just put it up and I hear "ChickenMan" the teens in the park call me Chicken man because I once offered to share my roasted chicken with them, they were all hanging out and skating, which is never a crime!!!  So these two young ladies appear and ask if they could talk to me I said sure And we just talked about being homeless right now and how it sucks and How I do want to get my certificate back to teach.  Turns out they are girls from the local high school so you never know I might get my substitute cert back and see them again.  They left it was a nice conversation I was journaling and writing lyrics like always...I have to damned random thoughts running through my head at any given time, I thik I know Einstein felt.

Act two:
The popo return dadadummmmmmm!!!!  Mr.Chamberlin we went back and researched our ordinances and you can't camp here.  OK, so where can I camp.  They told me about a place down the old glenn across the river that I could take all of my stuff to and set up camp there. (Divine intervention here)  Well, all of my stuff is like a tent one big suicase a duffle bag and my food and back pack and abunch of other stuff and that is about a 2 miles away.  OH HAPPY DAY SWEET JESUS LOVES ME I GET WALK ON BLISTERED FEET ALL THE WAY DOWN THEIR, is what I thought.  But as sat there contemplating my next move the two young ladies returned with a meal fro Mcdonald's for me?????  Can you believe it!!!!   There is goodness and compassion in this world.  So they were able to give me a lift with all of my junk down to the river park where I hooked up with the folks from earlier in the day who gave me back my C-pap machine and we had a rip-roarin good time lastnight.

The is a power in this universe you may call it God, Buddha, Zeus or Jupiter or Wkan Tanka or maybe just universal Karma.  You never know.

On a more Bummer note I lost my cellphone I can't find it and when I had it last it wasn't really working anyway so until I get a new one somehow I will be only available via Face book and e-mail,

Sunday, July 22, 2012

I writing on borrowed time my battery is slowly dwindling as I write this.  My charger ist Kaput so I had to borrow to get this precious juice.

My night was an experience like ahab against his whale tent poles snapped waves of great crashing water fell down drowning most my stuff  But it will dry today seems like a nice break in the weather. Other than that I hoping to catch a ride with some one today over to the medical joint and see about my finger:
The swelling is getting worse and hurst likes a Motherfucker (Yeah I said, I never said this blog was G rated.)   I am taking alleve to no avail so something has got to be wrong.

I f anybody is in the palmer area and could give me a lift to the mat-su health sevices I would appreciate it.


Saturday, July 21, 2012

A comedy of errors

So last night was truly a test of patience.  I received a welcomed gift of a tent and began my night of wetness.  As I put up the tent one of the poles broke( I fixed with some good tape) and I ended up getting confused on the sleeves that you put the rods through.  eventually, I got it up in perfect Three Stooges fashion ate my supper of beef ravioli and set the night to sleep the rain came.  Some how the rod came undone and the tent deflated letting the water run in so in hindsight which is always 20/20 I should have put the rain cover on it, oh well.

I think I need to go back to doctor's my middle finger is swelling up bigger and bigger.  I really think they miseed something.  It might need to be reset but it hurts like the dickens and it's got a click in it.  Not good juju.  For thos who like good investment tips I think you should look into Insight100 A new technology that scans fluids for their content, where as most x-ray machines only see fluid not what type it is.

That's all for now, have great day!!!!


Thursday, July 19, 2012


I love to blog. it get the primordial ooze that is in me out and into the world where we can all see it.  And I an sure one of you will through a cigarette butt on to it to kill it or maybe let it live and turn into a beatutiful Chimera that will run amuck in the streets.  We can only hope.  So here is the rundown I gave a bit of it on FB but now I can dileneate with great fortitude.  As I said I broke my hand which really hurts by the way, I am not having much love for the folks at Mat-su Regional Hospital.  All they did after I set it myself was say "oh we think it is sprained"  Left me in a hospital bed from Sunday to Monday giving opiates and phenobabrbital.  Now anyonew with an inliking of doctorin learning would know that I need some anti-inflammatories.  So the lead person there came and said that I was going to need to Anchorage for drug treatment, all the while keeping in mind they were giving me opiates and phenobabrbital.  Now I have attended AA, NA and other types of *A because pepple believe that I need to.  I have done to his to keep the peace and go witht the possibility that I migh have a problem.  So After I got out of the hospital I was sent home in a cab only to find a nice youg Police officer waiting for me at my house whom informed that MY Mother.  On the advice of the hospital staff and the police decided to set me up with a resteraining order.  In which she states that she is fearful for he life.  OK, Step back I Love my mom with all of my heart, she drives me crazy but I don't think I would off her, If II did all of the money would dry up.  So I was supposed to go off to some other place that would be at least 500 feet from her.  Don't get me wrong if Mom genuinely feels this I will move heaven and earth to make her feek better.  The thing is I think she was coericered into and that is wrong.  Mom is already starting with alzheimer's and the last thing she needs is this.  I am out of the hospital and not using the drugs that they were pushing on me nor and other ones.  So where does this leaves us, I am living in a field some where and talking to Mom to make sure sure she is taking care of.  I have power of attorney over her which is the last thing I want to use but made I need to get my own retstraining order on her.  In nutshell this is fucked up.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday the 13th, watch your back, Jack.

"There's a killer on the road, his head is squirmin' like a toad." -Riders on the Storm, the Doors.

I like Friday the 13th's not because of the movies with Jason running amuck hacking and killing.  But, in a sense it reminds me that somebody is having a much worse day than me in the world.  I might have had spilled my drink on myself or had to to do something extra and want to complain about things, but somebody in the world just died or is going hungry.   So in the grand scheme of things my problems are not so bad and I have to remember that each and every day.

I see that things are going better in Myanmar and on the other side Syria is coming apart at the seems.  It's a universal balance I guess that there will always be good and bad.  

Congratulations to Alaska for applying and getting the NCLB waiver it is about time and now we can restart real learning once again.

That's all for today.



Happy Thursday!

I had a strange day today got up kind of early, had trouble sleeping.  I have to many thoughts going on in my head all at once, it must be my ADHD kickin' in.  I have a tendency to put on this persona of the happy go lucky guy that nothing seems to chink his armour.  But like the Billy Joel song " The Stranger," I can wear a different mask for people without showing my true feelings.  I know that it might sound deceptive and it probably is but in the end I have to stay true to myself and know myself through and through and how I will survive it.

So anywho, I got up read the paper on Mom's kindle, she loves that thing, but present I ever gave her I think.  Did some 'puter stuff, emails and FB and so on,  Cleaned the bathroom, always a joy.  One of the best jobs that I ever had was as a janitor at St. Odilia's parish in Tucson.  I was free to do my own thing and take my time.  The work was monotonous at times but enjoyable.  I worked with good people made some incredible friends that I hold dear to my heart today.  I had a great friend and mentor in the pastor of the church Fr. Bardon.  I consider myself a recovering Catholic having gone to Catholic school as a kid and being around some rather unlikable priests in my teens, if you catch my drift.  Nothing truly bad ever happened to me but to some of my friends and some other types of things were quite personal.  But Fr. Bardon was different he was very open about his celibacy and his human nature to have to serve the human needs in the end.  But what I really loved about him was the fact that we could sit down and chat about religions and their bases.  We discussed Joseph Campbell and Alan Watts, he was never judgmental and very progressive as a Catholic priest.  He was opened to women priests, gays and lesbians allowed in the church and even close to a woman's right to choose when it came to her body.  Not that he condoned abortion but he was sympathetic and understanding about it.  Unfortunately, he is no longer with us but I still think of him often and fondly.

Back to my day, I was fighting a good headache so I laid down for a bit in the dark room and listened to some Springsteen.  Later on I had Mom watch a special webcast from the White House with me about the President's refinancing plan and how it might help us in lowering payments since we have federal loan on it.  The webcast was interesting in that the Secretary of Housing was rather specific when it came to banks such as Wells Fargo, with whom I have no loveloss for.   And how they will trick people in to paying up front for refinancing to a different type of loan and in the end they still screw over the house owner because the note is still held by them with a new loan and all of the fees that you had to pay upfront are sold into the loan and in the long run you end up paying more.  Caveat Emptor, I guess.  So we watched that and it was pretty cool to see how the White House is doing these web hangouts, where you can pose questions to the experts online.

It was getting close to dinner so, I made us my now famous, at least between the 2 of us, baked chicken and rice.  Then made some peanut butter cookies for dessert.  Then took my daily constitutional to the store for some needed things and picked up some trash on the way.  Now I am back home mom is slowly snoozing away in her recliner and I am watching "Supernatural."  I love that show and the books are pretty good as well.  I was think of doing my own online show and call it "Stupidnatural"  where the brothers go around hunting for stupids.  "Are you a stupid?  Out of the gene pool you!!!" Maybe someday.  I gotta work on a new song with a new direction so we will see how that goes.  So stay sane folks and as Red Green says, "Keep you stick on the ice."

Peace, love and understaning,


Wednesday, July 11, 2012


My toe hurts.  I have a blood blister that decided to pop itself.  So it hurts to walk, so I took a cab today to get the shopping done.  At least I got out and saw the snow on the mountains it's coming soon.  Strange weather, huh?

Listened to the Doors today, Morrison loved life, lived hard and died young.  That's to bad he was good poet.  I don't know maybe Billy Joel is right in "only the good die young."  Yet, I would like to think of the alternative live long and prosper, by pissing people off.

Last night I celebrated, I passed the stone that I have been fighting for a while.  I feel much better.

Still trying to call the boys to no avail, I'll keep trying.  I hope you all had a wonderful day!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I think I might have to send out an APB for getting in contact with my boys.  I have been trying since Sunday to no avail.  I would kind of like to know what they are up to and what they are doing.  I know that Ethan's baseball tourney is over that ended yesterday according to him when we last spoke.  And I am sure that Connor, whom I am very proud of for his school work and scout work. (sorry I have to brag, their my kids for all get out)  I guess I'll just keep on trying, it took the Colorado river eons to cut the Grand Canyon.

On a lighter note the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting a bit longer as we keep spinning around the universe.  Our lives flow like the river, around bends, sometimes fast and sometimes slow but always full of fish and adventure.

Yeah, that's all I got for today.


Monday, July 9, 2012


I took a walk today.  The Sun was shining and there was a nice breeze.  I think it is important to get out at least for walk everyday.  It keeps me grounded and I get to see the beautiful things that the Earth has to offer.  Plus I meet new people all of the time.

I haven't blogged in years and the last time I did it got me into a lot of trouble with my life but I think it is important, at least to me to keep some sort of journal on how my life is evolving.  So I listened to David Bowie and some Elvis Costello to set the mood.  I like to explore real music, real artists that are willing to take risks and create something new.  I guess if Picasso had stayed with his ink drawings we wouldn't have the the wonderful murals that he created.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and one thing I can say is that humans are beautiful at times and ugly at other times but in the end people are basically decent.  We all have our faults and our great plumage I would rather focus on the beauty than the faults.

Neil Diamond wrote a song about America and so did a bunch of country artist but today I am glad to say that I am an American and I love this country from sea to shining sea and I am proud to be an American.  Thank you to all of the Vets we owe you a debt as nation and I am sure that this government will pay you back.

I tried to call my son today, I know that he had game but kind of got the runaround, which is fine I am sure that he knows that I tried and that is what is important.  I think if we can all do the best that we can with what we are given we can make this world a better place.  Thank you father for keeping me alive and fed today.  We'll do it all again tomorrow!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

I need to rant

Oh it has been a while, but I am back in style.  So the world has changed a bit and that truly is the only permanence we have.  There is a lot pissing and moaning about Obamacare being upheld, well you know what I don't have insurance I refuse to be a drain on society and now I have to pay for my own insurance.  That kind of sounds like a good thing to me if it is affordable, I am out of work and taking care of my Mom in her golden years.  So hopefully the good people at insurance makers dot whatever will make it a bit easier for me to get insurance.  And you know what that job that was outsourced to India or China could have been used here.  Don't get me wrong, I am glad that you the 1%'ers have the insurance to take care of your families, God knows you are probably going to need it you had so many kids.  Good thing Obama will let them stay on your insurance.  And another thing America was founded by dogs (metaphorically) we are a nation of immigrants that needed a better life.  So get off your high horse and let the people who do the real work do it.  But than again I might just be a crazy Alaskan not thinking of anything but himself.